Friday, 26 September 2014

What to do when young people don't read newspapers

Draft for a short summary of topics we covered on Thursday... I will edit and make a nice text here as soon as time allows... So these are so far just my own notes...

Working with the blogs, writing first day summaries, going through settings, template, and finally adding links to the first postings. Note the importance of links to network, this is the whole essence of the web.

Listing internet uses from technical point of view

Smiling Rupert Murdoch in photo by David Shankbone.
Discussion of Rupert Murdoch's speech to American newspaper editors already in 2005. Only some participants had read the speech which was a kind of homework, but many joined the lively discussion on how the speech reflects the current situation in Tanzania and how it doesn't and what to do to attract young people to read newspapers. Compere to Alexa statistics on most popular websites in Tanzania at the moment.

Reactions by media business elsewhere:
multi-channel strategy
growing interactivity
business concerns
Two examples More media, less news, Telegraph Shop

Shortly some African and international recommended web resources (IPS,, Pambazuka).

Afternoon, search tips and simple search assignments

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